How to create API?

Redot Exchange provides three different interfaces to access the API:

- REST API using standard HTTP requests

- JSON-RPC API using JSON-RPC 2.0. Redot’s JSON-RPC API is currently supporting HTTPS and WebSockets.

- FIX API (Financial Information eXchange) using FIX 4.4 and 5.0.

Separate credentials (API keys) are required for authentications through private methods. 

To see the list of your API keys, please click on [API Keys] in the Settings menu.

To create a HTTP/WebSocket API key, select [ADD NEW KEY] beneath the HTTP/WebSocket API table.

It's essential to specify API key permissions. Optionally, you can add the key description and IP addresses.

To create a FIX API key, select [ADD NEW KEY] beneath the FIX API table.

Next, you only need to choose the “Select FIX version” option and submit it.

As we do not store any API secrets, make sure to save it in a secure place.